Friday 25 November 2016

Parenting Is a High Responsibility Job

Parenting is one of the most taxing, high responsibility but fulfilling jobs that one can have. Raising children does not only mean giving them proper food, good clothes or sending them to school, it also includes teaching them the right things so that they grow up to be good human beings, with a secure future. This can be achieved by saving for their future needs, investing in schemes like child insurance plans and teaching children the habit of saving a specific proportion of whatever money they have.

Fostering Social and Emotional Development

Parenting is not only about fulfilling the basic physical and financial needs of children, but is also about fostering the emotional, social and intellectual development of the child. This requires a lot of patience and understanding. While all parents love their kids, expressing it in the right manner is a very important component of good parenting. An effective parent is one who makes his/her child feel loved and cherished. This is possible by spending time with your child in doing what he/she wants to do and expressing your love. Loving, however, does not mean that you ignore their mistakes. Do correct them but try to avoid blaming and criticizing them or labeling them for it. Instead point out where they are going wrong and how they can correct it.

Parents need to be effective teachers and they can become so by following the same rules and habits that they wish to develop in their children. One should remember to be flexible and ready to modify the rules as the child grows or the situation changes. Inculcating the right values and trusting your children will go a long way in ensuring that your child grows up to be a good human being.

Providing Financial Security

Every parent wishes to provide the best of facilities for their children and is even ready to work extra for that. However, parents also need to think about the future financial needs of their kids and thus make the right investment decisions. These include investment in child insurance plans, opening recurring and savings deposit accounts or investing in bonds or other investment vehicles.

Right and timely investments will ensure that your children are financially secure in case of any eventuality. Buying the best child plan will ensure that the funding needs during a child’s growing years are not compromised due to any reason. It is advisable to make a correct assessment of your child’s future financial needs, after taking into account the impact of inflation and then choosing an investment option that offers the desired returns at the right time.

Last, but not the least, is to inculcate in your children the habit of saving a small portion of their funds from a young age itself. This will ensure that they remain disciplined even when they grow up. You have done your bit if you have made the right investments in banks and child plans, besides teaching your children the advantages of saving.